

Trans-Blot Turbo全能型蛋白转印系统
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Trans-Blot Turbo全能型蛋白转印系统


Trans-Blot Turbo转印系统完美结合了传统转印技术与现代印迹膜及滤纸合,可在短时间内完成蛋白质从凝胶到膜的转印,且操作非常简便。系统内置了高电流电源,可直接控制钛阳极和不锈钢阴极间的电流,能在3分钟内实现高效快速转印。全套系统采取即用型设计,研究人员可更快、更轻松的获得结果,并且具有传统印迹方法难以实现的高重复性。


快速转印——只需 3 分钟即可转印小型凝胶或中型凝胶

高通量——单次运行可转印 1–4 块小型胶或 1–2 块中型胶





Catalog     description

1704150    Blotting instrument, includes base, 2 cassettes to hold 1–2 midi or up to 4 mini blotting sandwiches, blot roller

17001915   Blotting instrument, includes base, 2 cassettes to hold 1–2 midi blotting sandwiches, blot roller, midi nitrocellulose transfer pack, and starter consumable kit

17001918  Blotting instrument, includes base, 2 cassettes to hold up to 4 mini blotting sandwiches,blot roller, mini nitrocellulose transfer pack, and starter consumable kit

17001919  Blotting instrument, includes base, 2 cassettes to hold 1–2 midi blotting sandwiches, blot roller, midi PVDF transfer pack, and starter consumable kit

17001917  Blotting instrument, includes base, 2 cassettes to hold up to 4 mini blotting sandwiches blot roller, mini PVDF transfer pack, and starter consumable kit

1704156   Pkg of 10, 7 x 8.5 cm, precut blotting transfer pack, includes filter paper, buffer, PVDF membrane, for use with Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer System

1704157   Pkg of 10, 8.5 x 13.5 cm, precut blotting transfer pack, includes filter paper, buffer, PVDF membrane, for use with Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer System

1704158   Pkg of 10, 7 x 8.5 cm, precut blotting transfer pack, includes filter paper, buffer, nitrocellulose membrane, for use with Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer System

1704159   Pkg of 10, 8.5 x 13.5 cm, precut blotting transfer pack, includes filter paper, buffer, nitrocellulose membrane, for use with Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer System

1704270  Ready-to-assemble transfer kit includes 40 mini-sized nitrocellulose membranes (7 x 8.5cm), 80 transfer stacks, 1 L 5x transfer buffer, and 2 gel trays for wetting and equilibrating membranes and transfer stacks

1704271  Ready-to-assemble transfer kit includes 40 midi-sized nitrocellulose membranes (8.5x 13.5cm), 80 transfer stacks, 2 L 5x transfer buffer, and 2 gel trays for wetting and equilibrating membranes and transfer stacks

1704272  Ready-to-assemble transfer kit includes 40 mini-sized PVDF membranes (7 x 8.5 cm), 80 transfer stacks, 1 L 5x transfer buffer, and 2 gel trays for wetting and equilibrating membranes and transfer stacks

1704273  Ready-to-assemble transfer kit includes 40 midi-sized PVDF membranes (8.5 x 13.5 cm), 80 transfer stacks, 2 L 5x transfer buffer, and 2 gel trays for wetting and equilibrating membranes and transfer stacks

1704274  Ready-to-assemble transfer kit includes 40 mini-sized LF PVDF membranes (7 x 8.5 cm), 80 transfer stacks, 1 L 5x transfer buffer, and 2 gel trays for wetting and equilibrating membranes and transfer stacks

1704275  Ready-to-assemble transfer kit includes 40 midi-sized LF PVDF membranes (8.5 x 13.5cm),80 transfer stacks, 2 L 5x transfer buffer, and 2 gel trays for wetting and Equilibrating membranes and transfer stacks

1704151  Pkg of 1, cassette, to hold 1 midi or up to 2 mini blotting sandwiches, for use with Trans-Blot Turbo transfer system

1704152  Blotting instrument base, does not include any cassettes